Custom T-shirt Printing

Custom Printed T-Shirts

Custom T-Shirts Screen Printing: Use Us For Your Personalized T-Shirts

Custom T-shirt printing is popular in today’s marketplace. Companies design custom t-shirts and give them to their staff and customers. You can make money on your t- shirts while advertising your business, band, group, event or services by selling the t-shirts at a premium, or selling advertising space on them to sponsoring organizations.

Any design or message that you can illustrate graphically can be printed on t-shirts. Your goal is to render an appealing design or message so that people will want to wear your personalized t-shirts.

Custom T-Shirt Printing Methods

There are two commonly used methods of t-shirt printing. The best choice is silk screen printing. Silk screen t-shirt printing creates a durable and lasting design that will print in exquisite detail. A set of screens is created for your design, one screen per color. Ink is forced through the screen onto the shirt exactly where you want it.

Another method of t-shirt printing is to use hot pressed designs. Your design is printed onto a decal that is then pressed onto the shirt. This method has several problems. The colors are not as vivid as screen printed colors and the decal tends to peel off after multiple washes. The design can also buckle and ripple if the shirt wasn’t properly pre-shrunk before printing.

For these reasons only uses silk screen printing for our t-shirt printing services. Custom t-shirts screen printing can be done economically in a single color design or printed in full color for a little more. Our processes guarantee that your custom t-shirt printing will be well executed on First Quality shirts.

Custom T-Shirts Have Many Uses

Custom t-shirts are suitable for use as a uniform for your staff, to promote a sale or special event, or to sell for a premium. They are especially valuable marketing tools at promotional events and trade shows.

Daycare services use custom t-shirts to quickly identify children in their care during field trips and outings. Custom t-shirts in a bold color make the kids stand out so they don’t get separated in crowds.

Personalized T-Shirts Help Share Your Joy

Personalized t-shirts are suitable for announcing any happy event or celebration in the life of your family, group or organization. Use personalized t-shirts to show off pictures of your grandbaby or to announce your engagement or wedding. You could even print your message on matching personalized t-shirts to propose to that special someone. The shirts will be kept as a memento of the event.

Print pictures of your puppy, kitten or other special pets on personalized t-shirts. Shirts like these are comfortable and fun to wear. Create personalized t-shirts sporting your artwork, or design shirts that fit your personal style. is a custom t-shirt printing company that uses only quality inks and First Quality 6.1oz Double Stitched Shirts. So, whether you need custom t-shirts screen printing for your business or personalized t-shirts for personal use, you’ll find that our t-shirt printing services are affordable and of the highest quality. We also offer t-shirts in a large variety of colors and sizes to fit all your needs.


T-Shirts Printing Specs:

  • First Quality 6.1oz Double Stitched Shirts.
  • All Shirts are Silk Screen - NOT HOT PRESSED
  • One Color Standard or Full Color Premium